This One Detail Will Derail Your Paid Social Campaign


You’re finally ready to start advertising on social media, after hours of staring at your computer screen. You’ve written punchy copy, found the perfect images, and researched your audience to death.

Before you press go, double-check your website’s mobile optimization.

In 10 years of digital marketing, I’ve seen it all. But, something I see all too often is companies who forget that the internet is now mobile-first. In fact, it’s been mobile-first for years.

What do all of your customers have in common? They nearly all have smartphones.

Most of your visitors from social media campaigns will come from mobile devices. If your site is not optimized, you’ll see high bounce rates and low conversion rates.  80% of Facebook users access the platform through a mobile device. And you’ve just lost them.

Why mobile-friendly?

Marketers, business owners, and the C-suite are often too far removed from web development. Sure, your digital gal might have access to your archaic, custom CMS. Maybe your social media coordinator updates the WordPress blog twice a week.

Creating a mobile-friendly website is something that needs to be done while you’re redesigning the site. Otherwise, your paid social media campaigns will fail. (Furthermore, you’re hemorrhaging traffic from search engines and owned social).

How do I check if I’m optimized?

There are many platforms to check for mobile optimization (both Google and Bing offer free, easy-to-use tools) and advanced tools for developers. You (and your clients if you're an agency) need to be mobile optimized – like yesterday.

One simple step

The easiest way, however, is to simply use your own cell phone. See how fast the images load, how easy it is to navigate to your most important pages, and whether your site is just plain ugly. This simple trick has stopped me from green-lighting campaigns more than I can count.

(Shameless plug: GoldSquare built my website and ensured that it was mobile-friendly. Tell them Tom Basgil sent you.)